Doorsteppppp Car Repair & Service
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Give us your details

If estimate can't be provided on call, it is provided pekok"> after Inspection. If car is picked up immediately, no visitation charges apply. If rescheduled or cancelled, a charge of INR 350* will apply.

Please call us on +917619121760 for any clarifications. We are happy to help anytime.

Estimate and receipt** will be attached as a pdf and will be sent by e-mail to the customer before pick up and after payment*** is collected respectively.

* Price may vary based on location and hour of visit. If pick up is rescheduled, the charges will be refunded as a concession in the final bill amount.

** Bill Generated by the garage is held by Cardifi. Cardifi collects the payment and sends a receipt by e-mail to the customer.

*** Payment has to be made online by the customer using payment a secure link sent by SMS for debit card/credit card/net banking or by NEFT/IMPS to Cardifi immediately after delivery post which car will be handed over.